2009-12-06 While waiting the snow

When talking to abroad about my homeland it’s almost immidiately related to snow. A pair of days ago I was taking a little hike to take care of some geocaches of mine. I’ve been geocaching for awhile and for you who does not know what geocaching is: the basic idea is to locate hidden containers – geocaches – outdoors and then share your experiences online.

I had a weird feeling hiking because the November snow had melted away and ground was so plain, kind of sorry looking. The earth was waiting the snow to fall again.


When talking to abroad about my homeland it’s almost immidiately related to snow. A pair of days ago I was taking a little hike to take care of some geocaches of mine. I’ve been geocaching for awhile and for you who does not know what geocaching is: the basic idea is to locate hidden containers – geocaches – outdoors and then share your experiences online.

I had a weird feeling hiking because the November snow had melted away and ground was so plain, kind of sorry looking. The earth was waiting the snow to fall again.